If your goal is to perform excellently well at your job as a customer service personnel, then you have to read this. Often times, many Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) wonder why they are not rated highly amongst their peers in the work place. If only they could take the time to observe those that perform excellently on the job, they will notice the following traits:... READ MORE
In this article, I will be sharing with you, a profitable business growth strategy. This is one strategy used by Amazon; and many small businesses are adopting same and seeing great improvement in revenue.
Did you know that 73% of businesses with above-average customer experience perform better financially than their competitors? This is according to an article published on forbes.com, written by Blake Morgan... READ MORE
There is no doubt that the Nigerian job market is characterized with high supply of labour and a limited demand for it. Hence, Job seekers are constantly seeking ways to distinguish themselves in order to stand a better chance of being selected for jobs applied for.
It sometimes gets frustrating when the job offers do not come after putting out so many applications. Here are some of the mistakes you may be making that have rendered you jobless: .... READ MORE
Yay! You got invited for an interview, you are definitely excited, but with that comes some anxiety right? ‘I hope they like me’ ‘will I get selected?’ … such thoughts rush through your mind as you PREPARE for the ‘D-day’. The key word here is ‘PREPARE’. Now, let’s delve into how to prepare for that next interview to stand a better chance of getting that job offer.
Prepare your CV. Regardless of whether or not it was stated in your invite that you should come along with a copy of your CV, please go with one. Some recruiters intentionally .... READ MORE